So, I've been home for not quite a week now and it's flown...from the moment I arrived I hit the ground running. I got here just in time to get out of my car and into Daddy's truck so we could go see my darling niece, Baylee, play the violin at her concert. It was soooo incredible! I was blown away by the talent of those 6-7-8th graders! I couldn't believe how amazing they sounded! I was such a proud aunt sitting there watching her play! I am sooooo glad II got home in time to go to her concert! Then she stayed with me at dad's for the night.
One of my BFF's from high school, Stacy, and her daughter, Rebecca, came by the house when we got home so the girls could play and Stacy and I could chat for a bit. We sat outside by the fire that dad made for us and made smores! ahhhhh - my favorite! That's about the only thing cold weather is good for!!! lol It was great to catch up with Stacy and watch Becca and Baylee playing. They met the first time when Baylee was about 5 or 6 and Becca was about 2 or 3, I think. They were fast friends and we have tried to get them together each time I've been home since then. It's always fun to watch them together - it's howIi imagine Stacy and I would have been if we'd known each other when we were that young!
Then we all met again for breakfast on sunday morning after I went to church with Aunt Fay. I always try to attend services at my home church when I'm here. I always feel welcome and it's great to see so many familiar faces and I absolutely love the pastor we have right now. Then after breakfast, Baylee and I headed to the hospital to see Gram for a while. She seems to be doing ok and after visiting with her for quite a while, we left so she could get some rest. Then Baylee and I went back to dad's and did the same.
I soooo wasn't ready to take her home! This trip is probably the one I'll get to spend the least amount of time with her of all my trips home since she's been in school and I'm going to detroit for business. She's actually off tomorrorw and friday, but i'll be gone...figures! Now I've been hanging out with mom and pops for a couple of days, which has been nice because I usually don't do that much when I come home.
Tomorrow it's off to Close to my Heart's Regional Celebration in Michigan! I can't wait to see what they have in store for us. Should be a good time for sure!
God Bless you all,
God Bless America,